landscaping by Cut & Trim
landscaping by Cut & Trim
landscaping by Cut & Trim
landscaping by Cut & Trim

Cut & Trim Lawn Service

Your Lawn Mowing Experts


Landscaping by Cut & Trim

We Can Beautify Your Outdoor Spaces

Patio Pavers

Paver Patios and Walkways

Quality Installation Means Lasting Durability

retaining walls

Retaining Walls and Concrete

Quality Materials make your wall
attractive as well as functional.

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We Serve Residential, Commercial And HOAs in St. Charles And St. Louis Counties, MO.


Mowing by Cut & Trim Landscapes
This is what Cut and Trim is founded on. We’ve been mowing lawns for nine years and take pride in having your lawn welcome you home.


Cut and Trim employs quality construction techniques and materials that create a professional and lasting landscape.

Paver Patios

Paver Patio by Cut & Trim Landscaping
We install custom paver patios to give you a beautiful and functional outdoor living space.
Cut and Trim offers yearly maintenance programs to keep your landscaping healthy and beautiful.

Our maintenance plans include mowing, fertilization, and shrub trimming.
Call 314-486-1049 today to set up your custom maintenance plan.